Exhibition / Numsang Joh
Forest Film School at Numsang Joh in Khantyland, 2018
Exhibition scheduel
02 November - 31 December 2023 Latvia, «Pastnieki», Kolka, Kolkas pagasts, Talsu novads, LV-3275
“Our indigenous friends” is an interactive travelling exhibition which includes films, photos and sound installations based on our three year work with indigenous people in Siberia, Khanty-Mansi area in Numsang Joh camp.
Team of Estonian and Finnish artists and film professionals work each year with 35-60 kids in the Forest Film School, requiring them to use their mother tongue for filmmaking. Most of the time it is their first interaction with a camera, their own language as an artistic tool.
As an outcome you are welcome to see the first Khanty language short films, video art pieces and sound installations. You get to know their faces and stories. They become your friends.
They are the last ones to try to keep their culture and nature alive in an extremely wild environment.
We would like to draw attention to the language extinction!
Around 7,000 languages are spoken worldwide. 200 most spoken languages are used by 89% of the world's population. There are not many languages left with only a million speakers. 530 languages are spoken only by the elderly, and another 650 languages are known to not be spoken by any child. About four to five languages a year have disappeared in recent years. That leads to the prediction of an explosive increase in language extinction in the next few decades.
If you are interested in contributing to our exhibition, please contact us!
We would be happy to collaborate and send our exhibition to as many places as possible!
Curator - Edina Csüllög - sara.kisari@gmail.com +37258877144
Designer - Evelin Urm
Sound design - Vootele Ruusmaa
Photos & Texts - Anti Naulainen, Liis Nimik, Outi Rossi, Tõnu Kilusk, Edina Csüllög, Martin Männik, Laura Kõiv
Dresses/ scarf - Eleriin Seim
Social Media - Berta Kisand
Pr - Piret Räni / Edina Csüllög
Editor - Hedda Maurer
Films - Numsang Joh Youth
Translations - Film Tower
in Estonian
in English
in Hungarian
in Russian
in Finnish
Sound installation in Estonian
Sound installation in English
Sound installation in Hungarian

Forest Film School at Numsang Joh in Khantyland, 2018

Forest Film School in Komi

Forest Film School in Estonia, Sänna 2019

Forest Film School at Numsang Joh in Khantyland, 2018
Tartu Ülikooli Narva kolledž
Hea külastaja, Soome-Ugri Filmi Festivali koduleht on hetkel arendamisel. Oleme loomas uut mitmekeelset veebikeskkonda, et veelgi paremini edendada Soome-Ugri väikerahvaste filmitegijaid.
Уважаемый посетитель, сайт финно-угорского кинофестиваля находится в стадии разработки. Мы находимся в процессе создания нового веб-сайта для лучшего продвижения возможностей финно-угорских кинематографистов.
Dear visitor, Finno-Ugric Film Festival website is currently under development. We are in the process of creating a new multi-language website for better promotion oportunities of Finno-Ugric small nation filmmakers.
Уважаемый посетитель, сайт финно-угорского кинофестиваля находится в стадии разработки. Мы находимся в процессе создания нового веб-сайта для лучшего продвижения возможностей финно-угорских кинематографистов.
Dear visitor, Finno-Ugric Film Festival website is currently under development. We are in the process of creating a new multi-language website for better promotion oportunities of Finno-Ugric small nation filmmakers.