Fundraising and Supporters
FUFF 2020 in Sänna, Estonia. Photo by Linda Maria Saar
Dear friends, we are grateful for each and every donation, which allows us to continue organizing the work of Finno-Ugric Film Festival and Film Foundation. Every donation counts!
We want to bring the the diverse cultures of small nations out from museums and make them alive again.
Reg. code: 80282596
BANK Address: Tornimäe 2, 15010 Tallinn, Eesti Vabariik
• Estonian Cultural Endowment
• Estonian Film Institute
• Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia
• Kindred Peoples Program
• Hungarian Embassy
• Rõuge municipality
• Ministry of Culture of Estonia
• EKLA-säätiö (Finland)
• Integration Foundation Estonia
• Balassi Intezet Hungarian Institute in Tallinn
• KÜSK - National Foundation of Civil Society
• Estonian - Finnish Cultural Fond
• Eesti Rahvakultuuri Keskus
• Piiriveere Liider / projekt 13-21.2/21/3349-1 Maaelu arendamine
We have received a grant from Piiriveere Liider to be able to show films for the local community/projector, computer/. We have also received sound devices for our events and external hard drives to archive our materials.
Thank you for all the support! This makes our work much easier.
Please find more base information about FUFF here:
Yearly Financial Reports / Code of Ethics / Board Members / Statute
The creation of this webpage was supported by KÜSK funding program “Vabaühenduste arenghüpet ettevalmistav 2020. aasta taotlusvoor”
Hea külastaja, Soome-Ugri Filmi Festivali koduleht on hetkel arendamisel. Oleme loomas uut mitmekeelset veebikeskkonda, et veelgi paremini edendada Soome-Ugri väikerahvaste filmitegijaid.
Уважаемый посетитель, сайт финно-угорского кинофестиваля находится в стадии разработки. Мы находимся в процессе создания нового веб-сайта для лучшего продвижения возможностей финно-угорских кинематографистов.
Dear visitor, Finno-Ugric Film Festival website is currently under development. We are in the process of creating a new multi-language website for better promotion oportunities of Finno-Ugric small nation filmmakers.
Уважаемый посетитель, сайт финно-угорского кинофестиваля находится в стадии разработки. Мы находимся в процессе создания нового веб-сайта для лучшего продвижения возможностей финно-угорских кинематографистов.
Dear visitor, Finno-Ugric Film Festival website is currently under development. We are in the process of creating a new multi-language website for better promotion oportunities of Finno-Ugric small nation filmmakers.