Forest Film School

Forest Film School at Numsang Joh in Khantyland, 2018
Sel aastal toimus animatsiooni laager Võrumal Vatsa talus looduskaunis kohas.
26 last ja 30 min animafilme ja 5 mängufilmi.
Põhiteemaks oli visuaal effektid.
Laagriõpetjad olid: Egert Kanep, Helen Moppel, Meeta Eliise Veigel, Mari Viiard, Paul Nurme, Teele Altmäe, Edina Csüllög, Anti Naulainen
Laager toimus 1.-06. Juuli 2024.
Laagri pilte saab vaadata meie FB lehe kaudu.
Sel aastal toimus animatsiooni laager Võrumal Vatsa talus looduskaunis kohas.
23 last ja 15 min animafilme ja 7 koomiksit.
Laager toimus 25.-30. Juuni 2023.
Laagri pilte saab vaadata meie FB lehe kaudu.
We concentrate meanwhile on local projects in 2022-2023.
Film and Animation camp in Võrumaa
01st -05th of August we will held a Film and animation camp for youngsters age 7- 15th in South Estonia, Külaoru.
The camp is supported by : Kulka, Rahvakultuuri Keskus, Võru vald, Andri-Peedo goat farm. Our partner is Loona Loomekeskus MTÜ
We hold our animation and film camp in Kotli, Võrumaa 2th -6th July with the particiption on 18 kids ages 7-15. Theme of the films were MUSIC VIDEO.
Thanks to all our wonderfull teachers and tutors!
You can have look on the films here:
The camp was supported by : Kulka, Rahvakultuuri Keskus, Võru vald, Andri-Peedo goat farm. Our partner was Loona Loomekeskus MTÜ
Young people aged 13-16 with roots outside of Estonia are welcome in the camp.
How to use national identity as a strength to make waves in life?
Exciting and educational workshops will be conducted by Hungarian film director and producer Edina Csüllög, Mari textile artist Natalja Lill, Seto silversmith and jeweler Evar Riitsaar. The camp's teachers Merill Mägi and Alexander Arabkin take care of the crazy entertainment.
The camp will take place in Mõniste community center in Võru County on 28.06-01.07
More information and registration:
The camp is organized by: FUFF and the Estonian Folklore Council.
Supported by:
Integratsiooni Sihtasutus, Kultuurkapitali rahvakultuuri sihtkapital, Kultuuriministeerium, Eesti Rahvakultuuri Keskus.
The camp brought together young people from different cultural backgrounds who got to know the traditional culture of each other's countries of origin.
Learned to make with their own hands objects inspired by their own nationality.
Short films were made as group works, where everyone found an affordable job
as a screenwriter, director, cinematographer, editor or sound engineer. Participated in workshops of very inspiring and real masters. Found new friends and like-minded people.
Encouragement was given to engage in traditional culture, which in turn contributes to its spread.
When the first Finno-Ugric Film Festival took place in 2014, it became very clear, that there are only a few small-nation films in their own language and filmmakers who are able to make them. There is no tradition of filmmaking in small languages and needless to say, there is no small-language film education. This realization was the beginning of Forest Film School, which was made for those young film enthusiasts who were interested in making films in their own languages and about their own culture. Forest Film School is a 10-day film camp, where young people learn about all filmmaking stages from script and storyboard until editing and sound design. The tutors of Forest Film School are all film professionals in their own fields. The whole process is very practical and many short films are born during the camp. First Forest Film School camps took place in Estonia – 2015 for Udmurt and next year for Mari youth. The third film camp was special because the Karelian and Seto youngsters students together and the age of the students varied between high shool students to pensioniers. This was also the first camp where animation film was added in addition to feature- and documentary. The same year, in 2017 the first Forest Film School took in place in Russia, in Karelia. This started a tradition to hold the camps in Russia – 2018 and 2019 in Khanty-land and 2019 also in Mari.
In Estonia we focus on youth film education. Yearly we hold 2-3 forest film camps in the rural areas.
Our future goal is to create a Film Education center in Setomaa, Estonia to support filmmakers from Finno-Ugric small nations in every possible way.
If you are seeking for learning opportunities - contact us for:
Film education trainings, workshops, showings, campsGeneral filmmaking know-how
Film equipment rental
Finding crew members, cast, composers, musicians from small nations
Financing opportunities
Stipendium opportunities
Study abroad opportunities
Legal advice for filmmakers
If you are a film tutor - contact us for:
Volunteering in film campsVolunteering in film education projects or research

Forest Film School at Numsang Joh in Khantyland, 2018

Forest Film School in Komi

Forest Film School in Estonia, Sänna 2019

Forest Film School at Numsang Joh in Khantyland, 2018
Hea külastaja, Soome-Ugri Filmi Festivali koduleht on hetkel arendamisel. Oleme loomas uut mitmekeelset veebikeskkonda, et veelgi paremini edendada Soome-Ugri väikerahvaste filmitegijaid.
Уважаемый посетитель, сайт финно-угорского кинофестиваля находится в стадии разработки. Мы находимся в процессе создания нового веб-сайта для лучшего продвижения возможностей финно-угорских кинематографистов.
Dear visitor, Finno-Ugric Film Festival website is currently under development. We are in the process of creating a new multi-language website for better promotion oportunities of Finno-Ugric small nation filmmakers.
Уважаемый посетитель, сайт финно-угорского кинофестиваля находится в стадии разработки. Мы находимся в процессе создания нового веб-сайта для лучшего продвижения возможностей финно-угорских кинематографистов.
Dear visitor, Finno-Ugric Film Festival website is currently under development. We are in the process of creating a new multi-language website for better promotion oportunities of Finno-Ugric small nation filmmakers.