Finno-Ugric Film Festival  2025  UUSVADA KULTUURIKÜLAS 19-23 JUNE

Finno-Ugric Experimental Film Lab


Finno-Ugric Film Festival

We invite up to 4 directors from all over the world to create their experimental short films during the 2025 Finno-Ugric Film Festival in Uusvada, Estonia. Directors may bring a maximum of 2 additional crew members to collaborate on their projects.

Each film crew or director will be paired with a Finno-Ugric actor, character, or helper according to their needs (fluent in their native language), who will be fostering collaborative engagement throughout the project. The primary objective is to create films centered on Finno-Ugric themes and languages in an experimental format, spanning across various genres.

The premiere of these films will take place at the festival's closing ceremony. We offer support in the form of a line producer, food and accommodation during the festival. Additionally, we can provide a certain amount of film equipment as necessary, although we highly recommend participants bring their editing laptops and any other essential gear.

If you have a compelling idea or are motivated to participate, please submit a letter of motivation up to 1000 characters containing your film idea, along with a brief directorial bio by March 30, 2025. Selections will be made by April 15.

The workshop will take place in Uusvada, Estonia from June 19th to 23th 2025, hosted in Uusvada Kultuuriküla residency house.

Send the materials to


For further information you can write :

Tel.: +37258877144

19-23 JUNE 2025

Welcome to join the 2023 FUFF from 25-27th of August in Mazirbe, Latvia, as we celebrate the rich culture of the Finno-Ugric peoples with a particular focus on the indigenous Livonian community.



25th August

18.00  Nights of the ancient fire at FUFF

This year everyone has the opportunity to receive the light for his Ancient bonfire from Estonia’s oldest inhabited place in Pulli, on the banks of the river Pärnu. The fire will be lit the ancient way by using a flint at sunset on August 24th and will be guarded for 2 nights by the people who respect our ancient roots. Sitting around the bonfire and talking about our evolution in different aspects of living, such as handling fire, being a scavenger and hunter, fishing, handicrafts, music, occupations, travel etc.
The light which will be lit at Pulli awakes 10 thousand years of history and connects our largest river as well as 1242 kilometers of seashore and countless communities and people. One of our presidents, Lennart Meri, loved to point out that we are the oldest nation in Europe that has lived in one place. Ancient bonfires on the shores were different, although the fire that unites us is one.
Just as the people of ancient times lit the fire 10,000 years ago, we do it now, on the night of August 26.
At sunrise on August 25, the first storm lantern light lit from a bonfire starts moving down the river with an Estonian expanded dugout boat and the lantern is handed over to a sail boat that takes the light across the sea to ancient Livonia behind Cape Kolka, where the 10th Fenno-Ugric Film Festival jubilee fire is lit in Mazirbe.

Anyone interested is welcome to light a lantern on 25th or 26th of August. It would be even nicer if you could come with your regional ancient boat. The trip down the river is similar to the poem and song: Yesterday I saw Estonia. In this way, we can get to know the wooden masterpieces that were used in different waters of Estonia.
For more info visit

19.00 I live in a Liv house (Dzīvoju lībiešu mājā), colour, 1991, dir. Aivars Freimanis

21.00 DJ MIROCO / Estonia - Finno-Ugric vibes, DJ Räni, Tribal

26th August

10.00-13.00 Workshops

Livonian Culture with Julgi Stalte /Latvia

Kavadwith Maya Chaudhary / India

Khanty embroidery with beads Marija Launonen / Finland

4 elements movement with Maria Naulainen / Estonia


Blue, 2020, Tõnis Pill, 15’

“3rd Octave F” , 2022, Eeva Mägi, 17’

Dear Passengers , 2022, Madli Lääne, 11’

The Dog Apartment 2022, Priit Tender, 14’


Promenade, 2022, Boross Martin, 15’

Budapest, closed city, 2021,  13’ Máté Konkol

Supper, 2022, Dániel Bárány 15’

Amok,  Balázs Turai, 14’20’

Affricata,2022, Anna Gyimesi  26'

18.00  FILM FARM FILMS from Canada selected by Philip Hoffman


After Betelgeuse , 2022, 19’ Len Murusalu
Discussion with the author 

World War II, mass deportations to Siberia and marginalization during the Russian occupation caused the extinction of the language of the indigenous people of Livonia. Narrated in Livonian and inspired by a folk song and Finnic mythology, the story seeks hope in the perishing time and memories forgotten.



Session organized by Fenno-Ugria and Tallinn University will introduce the results of the School for Finno-Ugric Bloggers taking place in August  21-24 at Tallinn University.

Current situation when social media has become one of the important as an information channel, shows the need to develop information technology skills. This is especially important for local activists and others who are engaged in the development and preservation of their culture and languages. It is very necessary acquire safe editing skills on social media to to spread information about the Finno-Ugric peoples, their activities and to encourage young people to join the Finno-Ugric movement.


22.30 NEI UM

`NeiUm` is a concept which is inspired by ancient Finno-Ugric culture – livs. Through the centuries this common hasdeeply influenced part of Baltic nations. `NeiUm` is combining rooted sounds with electronic vibrations. A style which is contemporary without losing sight of its origins.
Lyrics are written in Livonian, which with expressive groove of the music and blend of band members with different musical backgrounds, creates a new synthesis of culture.
Experimental electronic music band `NeiUm` have united musicians with diverse music backgrounds, creating a new direction in the Liv music scene. Music material is both melodies of Liv folk songs and compositions created by the band members. Band musicians - Dāvis Stalts (voice, electronics), Monta Kvjatkovska (voice, kokle, electric guitar), Dagnis Neilands (electric drums), Satya Haas (bass, voice).

27th Agust

10.00-13.00 Workshops

Livonian Culture with Julgi Stalte /Latvia

Kavadwith Maya Chaudhary / India

Khanty embroidery with beads Marija Launonen / Finland

4 elements movementwith Maria Naulainen / Estonia

14.00 Documentaries 

2023, 65 min,  by Liis Nimik, Estonia
Discussion with the author

In nature everything is in balance. In the circle of life, which never ends, everyone has their task - plants and mushrooms, insects and animals... This diverse orchestra always finds its rhythm. Recognizing the distinctiveness of being human, this film looks at what are our possibilities to take part of that co-creation of nature. For nearly seven years of exploring the periphery countryside of Estonia, this journey brings to the foreground the daily rhythms of ordinary people, composing an analogue gospel of a microcosm, which has consciously or unconsciously rejected the central, arrogant doctrine of human exceptionality. What are the conditions for humans to take part in the great orchestra of earth?


2022, 66 min by Mina Laamo, Finland
Discussion with the author

Sorrow Tamers is an art-house-documentary film about individuals, who have decided to face the sorrow as it exists to them. Sorrow always shakes up the life we used to know, and everything is changed. Changed how? You do not know, unless you fearlessly step into the world of grief and, without fearing the change, step out in due course as a new, transformed version of yourself.
Shot on film, the short episodes of individual stories form a larger story of the finite nature of life and the intrinsic need of human beings to reach out to each other, even when it is not possible. Life is learning how to let go before death, the ultimate momentum of letting go.

b/w; 2012, 93 min by Juris Poškus, Latvia 
Discussion with the author

A small village on the Baltic coast. Three friends spend their summer days by drinking beer, killing time and picking up fights with neghboring villagers. One of them, Andzha, is trying to convince his girlfriend to marry him. The time seems endless, enough for wedding, beer and “settling one’s life”. The sudden arrival of his elder brother Guido starts a series of events where main roles are played by eleveted self-esteem, pride and cravings for love that is stronger than death.



Ritual performance on the shore


Mazirbes Līvu Tautas nam

Lībiešu tautas nams, Mazirbe, Kolkas pagasts, LV-3275, Läti



/ therapeutic art gathering/

8.-10. JUULI / July

FUFF festivali asemel on sel aastal loomelaager. Ootame kõik FUFFi sõpru ja FUFFi tulevased sõbrad. Instead of our yearly film festival, this year meet and create together!
8. - 10 Juuli  Setomaal

Aadress :  Tiilige küla, Võidu talu, Setomaa vald, Võrumaa 65037
OSALUSTASU - Annetuslik / Festival fee - Donation

Majutus - telkimine oma telgiga - tasuta  / Accomodation - with your own tent 

SÖÖK - 3 EUR / söögikord  / Food 3 eur / meal

Muusika töötubasid viib läbi  Ken Arula. / Music workshop is lead by Ken Arula

Kunsti-teraapiat võimaldab Loomegrupp Artišokk Sistas ja teised inspireerivad loomeinimesed Võrumaalt.
Art theraphy sessions are led by art group  Artišokk Sistas and other interesting creative humans from Võrumaa.

Soomeugri vestlused on aktivistide ja Hõimulõime MTÜ poolt.
Finno-Ugric discussions by Hõimulõimed FU activists. 
Rohkem info programmist ja töötubade läbiviiatest all.
More info: scroll and you will find it!

Söögitöötoad viivad ellu soomeugrilased.
Foodworkshop mostly with Edina or with other Finno-Ugrians. 


8. JUULI / 8th July

14.00 KOGUNEMINE - Gathering

15.00 LOOVRINGID - Creative sessions 

Muusika töötuba Ken Arulaga.

Loomegrupp Artišokk Sistas liikmed Rea Sepping, Mari Viiard ja Anna Maquet kutsuvad avastama enda sisemaailma läbi vabastava maalimise ja joonistamise, kus on rangelt soovituslik loomeprotsessi nautimine!
Creative group session with Artišokk Sistas / paiting and drawing/

17.00 Lõkke-arutelu Soomeugri teemadel -  Hõimulõimed - Campfire and Finno-Ugric discussions

19.00 Õhtusöök Vatsa talus / Dinner at Vatsa village

20.00 Vägev SAUN Vatsa talus & Saunarituaalid / Sauna rituals in Vatsa village in Ärni saun

9. JUULI/ July

9.00 Hommikusöök / Breakfast

10.00 Loovringid / Creative sessions
Koha ja keha kogemise töötuba Triin Pruuliga / Space and body experience workshop
Loomegrupp Artišokk Sistas  juhendavad improteatri töötuba, kus on võimalik lasta valla oma sisemine näitleja!
Improvisational theatre workshop led by  Artišokk Sistas

12.00 Soomeugri söögi töötuba - “Edinaga köögis” / Finno-Ugric food workshop with Edina

14.00 Lõuna / Lunch

15.00 Matk, ujumine raba järves - Tõnu Kiluskiga / Hike and swim with Tõnu Kilusk in the most beautiful bog lakes of Setomaa.

17.00 ARUTELU - SOOMEUGRI MAAILMA-SEIS / Finno-Ugric world STOP - discussion with Kadi Raudalainen and Jaak Proozes

18.00 Dinner - JAM - Muusika töötuba Ken Arulaga. / Dinner & Jam with Ken Arula

20.00 Loovring ja tants / Artišokk Sistas  - Creative session and dance with  Artišokk Sistas
Muusika töötuba Ken Arulaga jätkub. Music workshop continues with Ken Arula.

21.00 DJ Sootska Järvelille Rein


9.00   Hommikusöök / Breakfast

10.00 Õpikoda “Lõngast kroon” / workshop “ Yarn crown”

13.00 Soomeugri söögitöötuba / Finno-Ugric food workshop

14.00 Lõuna / Lunch

15.00 HALA-PAMM - kõik mis on hingel saab ka jagatud. Jagamisring

18.00 Nägemiseni.  Good-Bye!

OOTAME KÕIKI HUVILISI / Everybody is very welcome!


Eelregistreerimine oleks ikkagi tore, et saaks arvesteda maastaabiga.
Aitäh! Please register, write a mail how many of you would come just to know if I should by more coffee.

Loomegrupp Artišokk Sistas / FUFFil liikmed Rea Sepping, Mari Viiard ja Anna Maquet/  koosneb grupist naistest, kes kutsuvad kunstiteraapilistel eesmärkidel avastama oma sisemaailma ilminguid, sukelduma värvide maailma, looma teraapilisi üksik- ja ühismaale, vabastavalt tantsima ning peegeldama läbi nende praktikate kogetud tundeid ja emotsioone. Soovime tuua laiema publikuni isikliku, hinge avava kunstiteraapilise kogemuse. Artišokk Sistas usub, et nihutades sõna "kunstnik’" piire, toome tagasi loova jõu iga inimese kehasse ja kätesse. Kohtumistel katsetatakse erinevaid loomingulisi meetodeid igapäevaprobleemide, õnnestumiste ja nendega seotud emotsioonide jagamiseks üksteise ning iseendaga. Oleme koos kogenud antud kunstiliste katsetuste ja praktikate tuge, loomis- ja avastamisrõõmu.

Koha ja keha kogemise töötuba Triin Pruuliga

“Puudutus on meie esimene maailma ja iseenda kogemise viis, ammu enne nägemist ja keelelist eneseväljendust. Kõik mida me puudutame, puudutab meid vastu... savi õpitoas saame kontakti koha ja kehaga läbi maast kaevatud savipinnase ja vaba liikumise. Milline on kohalolu, kui ma olen kohaga kaetud?
Kummalisel kombel on savi olnud mu elus läbiv joon. Savine kodurand, keraamika, saviehitus, saviteraapia...Töötan igapäevaselt rehabilitatsioonis ja kasutan meetodit "Töö saviväljal". Ja vaimustun siiani miljardeid aastaid vanast materjalist, mis vormub aeg-ajalt majadeks ja sulab siis tagasi maapõue. Nii muutuvates olekutes aine- vedel, plastiline, tahke, pulberjas , mis on sadu tuhandeid aastaid muutumatu. Ja ma ei saa siiani aru, mis siis juhtub, kui keha on saviga kontaktis.”

Oma laulu leidmise lihtsus - Muusika töötuba Ken Arulaga 

Muusika tõuseb Vaikusest ja suubub Vaikusesse. Kohati on see laine, millega võib kaasa triivida, samas alati ju ei peagi. Meis kõigis on see spontaanse inspiratsiooni koht, mille läbi saame kontakti loomise ja Loojaga ning seda võib kogeda igaüks - sugugi ei olene musitseerimine või laulu loomine ainult sellest, kas oskame laulda, kas oskame pilli mängida, kas oleme piisavalt head, kas oleme palju õppinud, kas oskame. . .  jne
Kui muusika ja Vaikuse sümbioos ning selle Lihtsus mind tabas oli muusika mu jaoks kohe selgem. Me ei vaja palju, et luua, laulda, rõõmu tunda ja olla samal ajal Vaikuses - see ongi see, mida võime üheskoos natuke uurida ning tunnetada. Mu koht ei oleks siinkohal õpetada, kuidas laule luua või kuidas laulda, vaid võiksime lihtsalt tunda rõõmu spontaansest loomisest, selle lihtsusest ning leida see enese südamelaul loovuse voolust.
Selles loomise toas/ruumis saame jagada oma kogemust ja leida ka ehk jälle midagi uut. Võime vabalt ühenduda selle Põhilise, põhjatu Vaikusega sõnade ja nootide taga! Tule avatult ja ootusteta, nii tuleb olemine hää ;)

Vaba Tants - Tantsu töötuba Mari Viiardiga

Loon meile avatud ruumi terviklikuks kogemiseks läbi loomingulise  kehaväljenduse - selles kogemuses avaldub igaühe oma päris Vaba ja Elus Tants.
Vabas stiilis tantsimine loob võimaluse väljendada kõike seda, mida olen enda sisse jätnud või pole julgenud päriselt kogeda lõpuni… Näiteks kui vahepeal olen  pahane või vihane, siis luban endale mingile maale tunda seda tunnet.. ja samamoodi kui tunnen end väga rõõmsalt, võin samuti enda tunde kogemist kontrollida rõõmustades näiteks 70% kogu kogemusest. Aga ma ei taha nii! Olen väärt vabadust ja täielikku tundmise kogemust! Olen kõige Elusam siis, kui olen valinud olla Vaba. (“Elusus/ elusam” = eluenergia voolab vabalt kehas.)
Niiet kutsun ennast ja Sind üheskoos tantsima vabasse kehavoogu, kus julgeme enesekindlalt, ulatuslikult ja uuenduslikult kogeda Elusat Ilusat Elu igas oma keharakukeses. Tantsuga viime end kergesse ja selgesse olemisesse, kus jääb alles puhas looming ja nauding.

Õpikoda “Lõnga kroon” viib läbi naha ja tekstiili kunstnik Eleriin Seim 

Selleaastane õpikoda kutsub osalisi kasutama oma loomingulist vaimu piiritletud ruumis, väheste vahenditega. Õpikojas loome kurja eest kaitsva tärni, kasutades lõngu ja oksi, mis me leiame metsas. 

HALA PAMM - Edina Csüllögiga
Kas halamine on soomeugrilik tegevus? Õeldakse, et ungarlased muudkui virisevad ja halavad, ja kaebavad. Kui sa küsid ungarlase käest, kuidas elad siis ta igal juhul alustab oma juttu sellega, et kes on vahepeal surnud ja mis on kõik katki leinud.  Eestlane ja soomelane vaikib, surub endasse.
HALA PAMM on jagamisring selleks, et paremini aru saada, kuidas me selles hetkes Venemaa kontekstis ennast tunneme, mida me saaksime teha, et see valu tuleks läbi? Kus on valu seal pole voolamine. Hinges on raskus ja loovus seiskub. Selleks on vaja silmitsi seista iseendaga ja oma mure kohtadega. 

FUFF 2021: Mitmekesisus

Sänna kultuurimõisas toimub 11.-13.juunil 2021 taas soome-ugri filmifestival FUFF. Oodatakse nii soome-ugri kultuuride austajaid kui ka filmihuvilisi noori, kes soovivad töötubades ise oma filmitegija karjääri alustada. Toimuvad filmivaatamised ja kontserdid, mõttevahetused-seminarid ning õhtused olemised suitsusaunas. See on festival, kus mitte ainult ei vaadata temaatilisi filme, vaid kus elataksegi ugrilastena ugrielu, tunnetatakse loodusrahvaks olemist ning saadakse seejuures eri moel targemaks. Filmiprogrammi on võimalik vaadata ka veebis, kuid paraku leili visata ja kultuurikaaslastega juttu vesta saab vaid kohapeal.

Nii Sännas kohapeal kui veebikinos on võimalik vaadata filme “Viimane liivlane” (rez. Mikko Piela )  ja noorte lühidokumentaalfilmide kogumiku mitmekesisuse teemal "Rääkimata lood/Stories Untold", dokumentaalfilmi eesti ungarlastest ning valikuid saami, ungari, eesti, soome ja väikerahvaste programmi lühifilmidest.

Õhtuti saab kuulata ugrihõngulist muusikat – 12. juunil esineb Tuulikki Bartosik, teistel õhtutel on oodata üllatusesinejaid.

Kõik huvilised saavad hõimurahvaste toidutöötubades õppida erinevaid soome-ugri väikerahvaste söögivalmistamise nippe. Lisaks toimuvad töötoad ka noortele ja lastele, kus saab peale filmitegemise ja animatsiooni õppida ka akrobaatikat, joogat, käia looduses matkamas, teha herbaariumit ning harjutada tsirkusetrikke.

Kultuurilise mitmekesisuse olulisuse tunnetust saab kinnistada lõkkeõhtul ja suitsusaunas.

Festivali lõpetuseks on kõik oodatud kaasa mõtlema loodusliku mitmekesisuse vajalikkusele pühendatud seminarile, mille peaesinejad on Aveliina Helm ja Rea Raus.


Transport sharing to FUFF


buy festival tickets and food 

MTÜ FUFF EE291010220100168010

Write your name and dates you want to have food 3 EUR per / meal



“Imagine a forest where there is only one type of tree, would you like to walk and look around there? We all are different and we all have the rights to be ourselves. Diversity is a necessity not only a choice of the preferred ones.” Edina Csüllög at the opening of FUFF 2020 in Sänna, Estonia 

The festival has taken place since 2014. Every year in the summer we gather to an Estonian countryside location to watch films made by people of Finno-Ugric small nations as well as Estonian, Hungarian and Finnish films.

Film Program

short films from larger Finno-Ugric nations with established film production, for example, Finland, Estonia, Hungary and Lapland and short experimental films (any genres) to show creative films made worldwide

COMPETITION PROGRAM/ NB !!!This year there is no competition program.
films from small Finno-Ugric nations. We would like to encourage Finno-Ugric filmmakers, who don’t live in places with established film production, to enroll in our competition and come to our festival and meet each other.  We provide travel support and possibilities to participate in our workshops

usually feature films made by Finno-Ugric authors


You can develop your ideas into a short script or get feedback on your script  from international tutors in 4 days. All genres are eligible. We will select 12 participants.

• For applicants from the Finno-Ugric small nations (Komi, Udmurt, Khanty, Mansy, Nenets, Enets, etc.) FUFF will reimburse travel expenses from Moscow as well as provide free accommodation and food during the festival.

• We also welcome filmmakers from other countries. For these applicants for a small fee FUFF will provide food and accommodation during the festival.

We invite up to 8 directors from all over the world to create their experimental short films during the festival. The directors can invite max. 2 crew members they would like to work on their project with.

Each film crew or director will get a Finno-Ugric actor (good in his/her native language) with whom they will have to collaborate during their projects. The premiere of the films will be after the festival's closing ceremony. We provide acknowledged tutors (director/editor/producer), line-producer for the participants. For a small participation fee we will provide food and accommodation at the festival.

This workshop provides an opportunity for you to make super short animated films, trying different techniques, animating under the camera. Computers help only a little bit. You will create your characters and backgrounds on the spot. In animation everything is possible! All the necessary equipment and some acclaimed Estonian animators will be there for you. People of any age and background can participate, no need for previous experience.

In this workshop the participants will try to listen to and explore their acoustic environment. What kinds of sounds are there to find? How does the silence sound? Can any abandoned object around us be used as an instrument? How can we respond to the call of the natural soundscape using our own voices and bodies as instruments? These are the main questions we will focus on, and try to solve in action during the workshop. Earlier experience in music is not necessary. People of all ages can participate in the workshop with their personal presence. During the workshop we will find a common way to play simple rhythms, encourage ourselves to use our voices and natural presence powerfully. In the end, these elements will be combined to create an orchestra or a "big happening.

There's a chance every day  to learn how to cook in the Finno-ugric way. You can try different Finno-Ugric food led by our indigenous volunteers from Finno-ugric nations. From Udmurt Pelmeni to Mari Podgogol to some delicious Hungarian or Finnish dish.


Each year you can see interesting exhibitions at the festival site, so you can learn more about the lifestyle and culture of different Finno-Ugric nations. 


The South-Estonian wild forest has raised our favourite singers and performers who we would like to introduce to you! Singing together is the force we can unite in the evenings. Greatest ones like Mari Kalkun, Anna Hints, Tuulikki Bartosik, Kristel Mägedi or Lauri Sommer  who have been devoted to us. Also performers from abroad like  Otto Eskelinen and Vera Kondrateva are always ready to come.

Smoke Sauna Culture

You can enjoy the amazing heritage of Unesco, the smoke sauna, very traditional of Southern Estonia. Each evening you can clean your body and soul here.

For the Võro people smoke sauna is an important part of their everyday life and a place of ritual cleansing. Besides washing, sauna enables to restore health, life force and mental balance.

Going to sauna comprises a rich and particular set of customs including the skills of making bath whisks, building and repairing saunas and smoking meat in the sauna. Among the Võro people these skills are highly valued and transmitted from generation to generation.


Human rights activists, cultural and language heritage keepers,  nature and environment savers, climate change activists  gather at our festival  each year to discuss the most important things of our lives.

We understand that only together we can make a change in this world. No separate issues, all is one and one is all. Therefore, if you feel like joining or creating your discussion about important topics, please get in touch with us.


FUFF is a short film festival, developing interest towards Finno-Ugric fiction, documentary and experimental films made by Finno-Ugric filmmakers, or films dealing with Finno-Ugric topics. (The Finno-Ugric peoples are any of several peoples of Eurasia who speak languages of the Finno-Ugric group of the Uralic language family, such as the Khanty, Mansi, Hungarians, Maris, Mordvins, Sámi, Estonians, Karelians, Finns, Udmurts and Komis.) We welcome film entries from all over the world which have topic related films. Independent filmmakers who are not part of mainstream commercial filmmaking are especially encouraged to submit their work. We also encourage the submission of student films. We cannot accept films which are not related to Finno-Ugric topics or not made by Finno-Ugric filmmakers.

Awards & Prizes

Important point
Amazing cultural achievement
Interesting visual approach
Special mention 1
Special mention 2


Finno-Ugric Short Film Fiction – Finno-Ugric Short Film Experimental programs:

• There is no limit of the number of films that a filmmaker or producer may register.

• Finno-Ugric means films made by filmmakers of Finno-Ugric origin or films dealing with Finno-Ugric topics that are made by non-Finno-Ugric directors.

• The maximum duration for short films is 30 minutes, including credits.

• Music videos, commercial work and political propaganda are not accepted.

• In order to be accepted, the material must be presented with English subtitles or with a Russian dialogue list which is sent to the festival by 30th of April 2021.

Once a film has been submitted for participation it cannot be withdrawn.

• All shipping expenses of participating works, from their place of origin to the address of this organisation, shall be paid exclusively by the participant. The Festival will not be responsible for the cost of receiving any additional materials.

• The Festival does not pay screening fees.

• Films in FUFF’s official selection will be viewable in the FUFF Digital Film Library, accessible to industry professionals for the duration of the Festival and available to be viewed privately on a secure server by jury members, film festival programmers, critics, buyers and distributors during and after the event. The contact information for each corresponding producer or rights holder will be published.

• Selected films may form part of the festival’s travelling showcase, participating around the world.

• The Festival invites the filmmakers to the festival and provides accommodation and food for the time of the festival for certain filmmakers.

How to submit?

When submitting your film, please also provide an Electronic Press Kit including the following information:

• A still photo from the film (colour at 300 dpi, jpg or tiff format);

• A film synopsis (in Russian and English if possible, or at least in one of these two languages);

• A brief biography of the director (in Russian and English if possible, or at least in one of these two languages);

• A photograph of the director (colour at 300 dpi, jpg or tiff format);

• Film  credits.

Submit your film HERE
And please send a copy of your film to

FUFF Festival 2019

Hea külastaja, Soome-Ugri Filmi Festivali koduleht on hetkel arendamisel. Oleme loomas uut mitmekeelset veebikeskkonda, et veelgi paremini edendada Soome-Ugri väikerahvaste filmitegijaid.

Уважаемый посетитель, сайт финно-угорского кинофестиваля находится в стадии разработки. Мы находимся в процессе создания нового веб-сайта для лучшего продвижения возможностей финно-угорских кинематографистов.

Dear visitor, Finno-Ugric Film Festival website is currently under development. We are in the process of creating a new multi-language website for better promotion oportunities of Finno-Ugric small nation filmmakers.